Fiat is a mentorship program between Seniors and Freshmen to facilitate the new, exciting and a bit scary transition into high school!
Scripture tells us that Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months before returning home (1 Luke 56). In that time, Elizabeth was sure to have been an example to Mary. She would have guided her, discussed hopes, joys and fears of new motherhood and shared her wisdom. In essence, she gave the gift of herself to Mary.
Fiat means “YES” and we named this program after Mary’s “YES” to God. Fiat is a program for freshmen to seek comfort and wisdom in senior student mentors who have already gone through the same experiences as a freshman in a new environment. Fiat is an opportunity to say “YES” to new relationships! Mentors are here to help our freshmen to navigate the first few weeks of school, to engage in clubs and sports, learn about the culture of our school and support our students as they find their unique and special place in our school.