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Campus Ministry is guiding force behind a community centered around prayer, reflection and service that shares in the joy and love of Jesus Christ. With the knowledge that each act of compassion brings us closer to God, we remind each other daily of the Universal Call to Holiness and inspire our fellow Eagles to act as disciples of Christ. As a central pillar of our stated mission, spirituality undergirds everything we do at Oakland Catholic and beyond.

My hope is that each student graduates from Oakland Catholic having had a deep experience of the OC spirituality. This experience is defined by a profound encounter with Christ's love for them.Dorrie Donahue, Director of Mission Integration

Spiritual, intellectual, service and community building opportunities initiated by the Campus Ministry are all centered on Christ Jesus and the Universal Church. Campus Ministry acts to facilitate the growth of our young women through an acknowledgment that our purpose in life is to be Christ’s Hands and Feet on this earth, to live deeply and authentically within our hearts and to grow ever closer to Our Lord.


  • Daily Morning All School Prayer
  • Class Period Prayer
  • Lunch Prayer
  • Prayer Services
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Bible Study

View Liturgy & Prayer


  • Eucharistic Adoration Weekly
  • Morning Mass
  • Class Mass
  • All School Masses
  • Reconciliation Services
  • Reconciliation during Class Retreats and Mission Trips


  • After-school Service Opportunities
  • Mission Trips
  • All School Holiday Drives

View Service Opportunities


  • Class Retreats
  • Kairos Retreats

View Retreats


  • March for Life, Washington D.C.

View Pilgrimage


Meet the OC Spirituality Team

Serra Alongi

Title: Campus Minister

Ms. Dorrie Donahue

Title: Director of Mission Integration

Don Fontana

Title: Religion Teacher LTS

Fr. Matthew Hawkins

Title: School Chaplin

Mr. Jeffrey Patrizio

Title: Religion Teacher, Religion Department Chair, Head Ultimate Coach

Ms. Natalie Santucci

Title: Religion Teacher

Mrs. Karen Scott

Title: Religion Teacher

Campus Ministry News & Happenings

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"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing." - 1 Thes 5:16-17