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Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science

In the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, each student develops and completes an experimental study in one area of science, then presents her results and conclusions at the regional competition in a ten-minute oral presentation. Those who receive a first award may continue on to the state competition at Penn State University where they have the opportunity to win scholarships, special awards, and other coveted prizes.

Schoology group access code: VFJ3-PNBT-WMWZW


February 2020
Oakland Catholic PJAS students presented in the regional PJAS competition at Duquesne University on February 1, 2020. Oakland Catholic High School was well represented with 13 students and did a great job. OC students finished with ten 1st place awards and three 2nd place awards. Additional specialty awards were earned by four of our students!


Mrs. Amanda Sforza

Mrs. Amanda Sforza

Class of 2008